Zungu is the root word of mzungu, which in Swahili means one who wanders in circles. Mzungu, or wazungu, was also the word used for the first white people who came to East Africa and is still used today.
His name is Erik Hersman, and He is an mzungu raised in East Africa. He bring many years of internet experience as a web marketer in a large corporation and as an interactive marketing agency strategist for Fortune 500 clients, small- and medium-sized businesses such as:
Tyco *
ADT Home Security *
Maersk *
EarthLink *
AOL * Sun Sports (Sunshine Network)
ZUNGU can revolutionize your business, beat your competitors and realize incredible returns on your marketing dollars by offering the following services:
STRATEGY :: Any Marketing Is Only As Good As It's Strategy
You might need an email plan, web visibility or usability testing, or a search marketing plan. Whatever your needs are, we will show you how it all works together to create synergy. An integrated marketing plan, bringing together your website, email, search and offline marketing is crucial for your success.
google logoLocal search marketing is one of the least understood and most overlooked areas of marketing for small- to medium-sized businesses. Learn how to use Google, Yahoo!, MSN and the Internet Yellow Pages to your advantage. Beat the competition, open new conduits to customers you didn't know you didn't have. Best of all, measure your campaign and it's effectiveness
EMAIL MARKETING :: Attract, Personalize, Stay in Touch
Learn how to create effective and meaningful email campaigns. Email is the perfect medium to augment any marketing campaign - offline or online. Email is easy to abuse, it's powerful and has the ability to do great damage or create massive amounts of business
WEB DESIGN :: Usability and Functionality
You've got a website already, that's the first step. How do you know if it's working for or against you? Let Zungu show you how to monitor and analyze your website to ensure high returns. Does your website have the type of functionality that your users require? Is it easy to use and navigate through?
AFFILIATE MARKETING :: Multiply Your Sales Force
Affiliate marketing isn't for everyone, but it might be just what you're looking for depending upon your business. Contact Zungu for a free consultation on whether this type of marketing will work for you.