outside.in, the best way to discover the conversations that are going on in your neighborhood—whether that's where you live, where you work, or where you want to be. See what locals are saying right now, and share your own wisdom with your friends and neighbors.
How To Use outside.in
Type in a location or zip code in the "enter your neighborhood or zipcode" field. Click "go" and you'll instantly get a big picture view of what's happening around you. In the left-hand column, the dashboard tells you what neighborhoods you're looking at, and gives you a quick summary of hot topics in the area. The main column shows you the latest information associated with this area: blog posts, art gallery reviews, real estate listings, police reports.

Now drag the map, or zoom out. Cool, huh? The screen refreshes to reflect your new perspective. With outside.in you can "drive" through an entire city and see what the locals are saying about each neighborhood.
Now apply a filter. Select one of the options from the pull-down menus at the top of the main and right columns: restaurants, say, or politics. The column refreshes to show you only those topics associated with the area you've selected in the map.
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