Thursday, March 15, 2007

Internet company designed to address a shortcoming of the major online job boards.

Brad White is creating an Internet company designed to address another shortcoming of the major online job boards: the lack of information they provide on the companies that advertise on them. Young job seekers in particular have a hard time making good decisions on whether to pursue an opening because of the void, said White, president of, which is aimed at providing a niche career site for twentysomethings like himself.

"There's no solution that caters to the entry market," he said.

With less personal experience in the job market and a smaller network of successfully employed colleagues to go to for advice, recent grads need a way to determine "what's really the best company for long-term career growth," White said.

CareerMesh will provide background information on companies, plus content such as videos or employee testimonials, he said. The result will be a new avenue for companies to find young talent, he said.

"We'll be giving companies the ability to stand out," he said.

The company is the second start-up for White, 23, who has a day job in public relations while he pursues funding for his new venture. He started as a teenager, providing a forum for connecting fans with artists. Three months after its launch in 2000 he sold the company for $30,000 to a larger player, which subsequently closed it down, he said.

Looking ahead, White also plans to create a separate site,, aimed at recruitment on college campuses. White said he has been considering different business ideas since college.

"It has taken a while to come up with an idea that had a strong business model," he said. "A big problem with many Internet businesses is they are more features than business. They really don't know how they are going to make money." will be different, he said.


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