GeoCommons is a place to explore, create and share intelligent maps and geographic data.On GeoCommons you can:
* Explore an open geodata repository with over 2 billion location attributes, 35,000 variables & 1,500 data sets (and counting!).
* Create intelligent maps to answer questions, gain insight and make decisions.
* Share maps and data to tell stories, collaborate and influence.
GeoCommons includes a wide range of data in areas such as, population, environment, recreation, schools, crime, employment, traffic, politics, shark attacks and whatever wacky or edifying information the community contributes.
* Search for demographic data like age, income, occupation and ethnicity to determine the location of your target market or future customer base.
* Find neighborhood information on crime rates, school spending, the number of school-age kids, and traffic congestion in order to choose the best place to buy or rent a home.
* Educate both yourself and others about critical issues as you easily visualize and share environmental
data on toxic dumping and water contamination.
You can help build the data bounty on GeoCommons, by uploading and contributing your own data. The value of geographic information multiplies the more of it you have covering different topics, places and time periods.
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