Tuesday, February 6, 2007

neighborrow.com identifies and tracks individually owned items and pools them into a collection

neighborrow.com identifies and tracks individually owned items and automatically pools them into one giant collection for a group of people living in a concentrated area. Once an item is added to the system, it is visible to every member of the group immediately. Each neighborrowhood is transformed into a perpetually growing, completely transparent, collectively owned, FREE library that is open (theoretically) 24 hours a day. Using an apartment building as an example, the building is the library and the library is the building. What could be more convenient than that? In addition to apartment buildings, neighborrow works any place on earth where there are people and things (and the Internet)! All you need to do is list and lend; then borrow, trade and share anything in the library.

All you need to participate is:

Internet connection
A doorman, or a similar "third party enabler" that can serve as a trusted vehicle through which the transaction can be completed (this not required for private groups and public members who are willing to trade directly with each other in person or through trackable mail).
Some items that you are willing to lend to others in your neighborrowhood
Simply set up an account with some basic personal information and neighborrow.com takes the simplistic and traditional act of borrowing from your neighbor, and applies it to the information age.

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