Sunday, March 11, 2007

Build a process to capture data, mix, filter ,visualize and publish.

Macroscopia allows you to build your own data capturing process from the internet. The idea is that you get the data, transform and then visualize it in many different ways. Data is available all over the network accesible as web services. Now you can view the information in a different way. Plotting grafs, treemaps, or making a geographic map you can discover interesting things that would be to difficult to see in a raw listing. You can also mix and cross data from different sources to get more useful results. And all is done just connecting some common data processes.

Macros can be built from scratch or you can just copy an existing one and start from there. You can clone your own macros or any published one if you are logged in. To see how it works you could start by having a look to public macros. Execute them to see what they do and then edit to learn how it was built. You are free to tweak and change public macros for testing purposes. The only restriction is that you won’t be allowed to save the changes. To save changes you have to edit your own macros.

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