Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Create your own video or photo contest and use it to promote your band, business, club, event or just for fun. is a social contest platform. They offer a place where users can compete, vote, create and share entertaining contests. Why contests? They think they're fun. With the proliferation of online photos, videos and audio they wanted to build a platform to allow users to leverage their digital media in a fun and entertaining way. Whether you are a budding musician, comedian, video buff, photographer, or you just want something fun to do online they've got the site for you.

With votigo you can:
1.Enter as many contests as you want. Just upload your videos or import them from YouTube.

2.You be the judge. Make your vote count and have fun watching videos or browsing photos.

3.Create the contest yourself and then share it with the world. Anything can be a contest.

4.Creating a community where people with similar interests can interact with each other around entertaining contests.

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