Monday, March 26, 2007

The fastest way to make and share plans with your friends.

Planypus is the fastest and easiest way to make and share plans with your friends! Without the hassle of back and forth phone calls and emails, just post an idea on Planypus, and let your friends fill in the details!.

You're about to go out to the movies. You called up maybe a couple people, maybe dropped some emails or sent some text messages. But the movie starts in an hour and you don't want to spend it trying to organize your friends to go. All it takes is ten seconds on Planypus to let your friends know you're going to the movies, and they can organize themselves to meet you there. It's easy!

Planypus works by notifying your friends in whatever way they prefer, be it email, sms, rss, or by integrating into your online homepages and calendaring tools, so everyone always knows what's going on. You can set up your notification preferences and learn how to integrate Planypus with your calendar in your profile.

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